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A Real Start…

Ok ENOUGH screwing around. The whole point of this blog was to document a money making journey from start to finish. Have I done that? NO… I had the idea, but didn’t have a plan. Which is a good lesson for anyone who is reading this blog right now. All of us have a lot of ideas, god knows I have had a LOT of ideas which I have thought up and left on the back burner. The idea is not nearly enough. We all have ideas, but the...

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Freak the Tweet : The Twitter Train

     Well I am sure that you are all aware of of the freak of nature we call Twitter. Ugh, its taking over our lives. I am sorry, but I can really care less to hear when your taking a dump or what Ashton Kutcher has to say about life. I mean, dont get me wrong at all, That 70′s Show and Kelso are priceless. I just don’t care what he has to say post-1979. To me, Twitter is just glorified “Reply...

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