Like some other kids, 12-year-old Trevor McKinney believed in the goodness of human nature. Like many other kids, he was determined to change the world for the better. Unlike most other kids, he succeeded.“( )

Yes… I am being serious. This is my Affiliate Movie of the week. I was up at about 4 a.m. this morning and this movie came on showtime. I watched it because I hadn’t seen it in a while and Helen Hunt was strangely attractive as an ex-drunk single mother (don’t ask). As I was sitting in bed fighting off sleep deprivation, I for some reason thought of affiliate marketing and making money in general. It was because of the boys Idea to change the world by doing 3 nice things for three random people then have those people do three nice things for three random people. This trend would go on and on until the world has been changed by good deed, theoretically.

You might be asking where I am going with this or you have already figure it out. The Tier System people. Yep referral programs at their most complex. You refer someone to something and earn a percentage, then the people that person refers earns you a smaller percentage. It works in levels and each level will bring you money at a lower price than the previous. This is kind of cool if you can get it rolling and get people to sign up that are interested in getting other people to sign up as well. It will only work to your advantage if you can get dedicated people to sign up and follow through. So, don’t tell your buddies to sign up and leave it to die. It might be some extra commision for you, but nothing to make a living off of unless you find a quality program and you have a great avenue to get people to sign up. Otherwise you can send your referral link out and just hop it catches on.

three teir

In conclusion, you should watch Pay it Forward. its a pretty decent movie and you might even shed a tear at the end. But while you are snuggled up on the couch alone with you ice cream and Victoria Secret magazines (because you like the articles,right?), pay attention to what is going on and you will see that his method can apply to you and your marketing journey.



Here Are Some Sites That Run This System:

Pay It Faward 

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